Illustrator jobs
Illustrator jobs

illustrator jobs
  1. #Illustrator jobs how to#
  2. #Illustrator jobs professional#

“Do I need to go to art school to become an illustrator?” Please realise this will always be more expensive than doing it yourself. There are plenty of print shops who can scan it for you and reproduce your work for print. you don’t necessarily have to scan it yourself. If you want to create post cards, prints, stationary, etc. You can find graphic design classes in cities near you or you can look up tutorials online.

#Illustrator jobs how to#

So you might want to consider following classes in graphic design and how to scan your work properly. Knowing how to digitize your work, so it’s ready for print, gives you most definitely an advantage. It helps knowing how to scan and digitize Do ask your client beforehand if you’re not familiar with computer programs! There are still clients that accept the original drawings and get a lithographer to digitize your art work. Things are different nowadays: there are very few lithographers left and illustrators are expected to know how to scan or photograph their work properly and make it ready for print. When they were done, their illustrations were send to a lithographer who made it ready for re-production in books, news papers or magazines. Most illustrators used pencils, paints and all things analogue to create their work. In the old days, illustrators didn’t have computers to create their illustrations. You should and must read about the business before starting in it, I really want to emphasize this.Ī good book to start with is How to be an illustrator by Darrell Rees. There are hundreds of books on illustration and also on the business side of it. Neetje (illustrator) Knowing what you’re doing

illustrator jobs

Creative work is worth no less than other kinds of work.” You have lots of reasons to be proud of what you make others can’t draw or think the way you do. That doesn’t mean you can’t doodle for fun or make very childish and weird art, just don’t let people talk your works down. Renée van den Kerhof, known as neetje, has some great advice: During the workshop you get to experiment, ask questions and you get an assignment to develop your skills.Ĭheck my workshops page for more information. I teach a workshop in illustration every few months in which I tell and teach about the ins and outs of illustration. Invest your spare time in drawing, experimenting, taking painting and drawing classes, attending workshops and lectures. I come across a lot of people that have a career in mind while they haven’t even started drawing yet. Onwards we go! Are you drawing yet?īefore even dreaming of becoming an illustrator, you should start drawing. Okay, we’ve got that bit straightened out. Can you guess which category it falls into? Illustration on the other hand is created for the sole purpose of communicating with an audience.įor example, you made a drawing of your neighbour. Fine art doesn’t necessarily need to communicate with its audience although it may ‘find’ an audience. In my perception the difference lies in the communication.

illustrator jobs

Fine art can easily be a stand alone piece, whereas illustration is in most cases built around an idea or concept. He or she does this in most cases for a client.įor me illustration means: creating an image to go along with a text or concept.

#Illustrator jobs professional#

This may sound denigrating but it’s incredibly important to know the ins and outs of the field you want to be a professional in.Īn illustrator creates an image (this can be done in very different ways) to go along with a piece of text. I recommend starting with google’ing what is illustration? and get yourself familiar with the field. This is a good question to start with, because illustration is not the same as drawing a picture. It also includes advice of other professional illustrators. Please know that this blog is written based on my own experiences and the experiences of illustrator-friends. And when you got the skills to create a beautiful drawing, why not make this your full-time job, right?īut where to begin? And is it the most romantic job ever? For those who are ready to dive into the world of professional illustration, I wrote this blog. Being an illustrator is a hot job: everybody wants to be an illustrator these days.

Illustrator jobs